Sunflower oasis in the storm...
As we drove through the Umbrian countryside, the gloom rolled in over the hilltops. Our spirits dimmed a bit until we rounded the corner and saw this amazing field. I will never tire of this sight!
Fun fact:
Fun fact:
The sunflower resembles one huge flower, but did you know a single sunflower head hosts hundreds of tiny flowers called florets? The plant is a rather thick, green stem sticking up out of the ground around 10 feet (3 meters) tall with a few leaves growing from it. On top of this tall stem is what seems to be a single enormous flower with yellow petals and a brown center. But this flower is actually known as the head of the sunflower, and is not a flower at all, but rather a bunch of them. The yellow petals are actually protective leaves that cover the center of the head while it is growing. The brown center of the sunflower is composed of a mass of hundreds of flowers, all growing individually, and from where each sunflower seed will originate.
At National Gallery today we saw Van Gogh's Sunflowers and (of course) I thought of you!!
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