Sharing the things we love about Spoleto...
San Salvatore is off the tourist track but it is one of the oldest and most remarkable churches in Italy and well worth seeking out. Dating from the late 4th century, it was built in the style of a Classical pagan temple. Despite some later alternations, its original architecture remains remarkably well-preserved today and I am drawn to it.
Housed in the our archaeological museum are the Lex Spoletina (Spoleto Law) tablets dating from 315 BC. The two tablets were set up as markers to protect the Bosco Sacro (Sacred Forest), which is south of town on Monteluco behind the city. They warn:
These sacred woods, no one may violate. Do not remove or strip away that which belongs to the forest…. Whosoever transgresses will offer to Jupiter an ox as placation. If one does it knowingly and with evil intent, to Jupiter he must offer a placating ox plus pay a 300 assi fine.
These are the same woods that St. Francis loved and chose, in 1218, to establish a hermitage here.  It is the closest place to what St. Francis was all about and I find it magical.
Lunch was at one of our favorite locations- Villa Marianna.  While the weather wasn't ideal for dining al fresco, we enjoyed the multi course meal high above Umbria.
So Paul can say he rode through Italy... it was only in the parking lot, but he's on a bike.
This was our last day of planned activities.  Tomorrow will be spent shopping, packing and in the evening we will combine all our photos and have a slide show recounting our time together.  It is amazing how quickly these 2 1/2 weeks have gone. 

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