Flashback Friday: Van Gogh

The creativeness stemming from the COVID crisis is bringing smiles to our faces. This one, with Van Gogh unable to wear a mask with his missing ear, just cracks me up and gives me a reason for this flashback.

For Steve's 37th birthday, he and I traveled to France. One of our stops was in the darling town of Arles, a city on the Rhône River in the Provence region of southern France, famed for inspiring the paintings of Van Gogh.

One of my favorite paintings of his is Le Café de Nuit. A highlight for us was dining in the actual café captured on his canvas, allowing us to feel as if we were in a Van Gogh masterpiece.
A must was a tour of The Espace Van Gogh. Originally built in the sixteenth century as Arles main hospital, it remained as such well into the twentieth. Its major claim to fame is that it was here that Van Gogh was committed after the infamous episode of cutting off his left ear in December 1888.

While we can't travel currently, we can always revisit our memories and hope for new adventures soon.

“The heart of man is very much like the sea,
it has its storms, it has its tides
and in its depths it has its pearls too”
-Vincent van Gogh

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