Spello- a new town explored...
We ventured north about 30 km to the quaint town of Spello. The densely-inhabited town, built of stone, is of decidedly medieval aspect, and is enclosed in a circuit of medieval walls on Roman foundations, remains of an amphitheater, as well several medieval gates. Spello boasts about two dozen small churches, most of them medieval and all of them beautiful.
We made the northern trek for the "Festa dell'Olivo e Sagra della Bruschetta"... a day to celebrate the oil harvest... a very big deal in all of Umbria. Besides exceptional meandering opportunities, we thoroughly loved the "Le Tradizioni Gruppo Folk". No trip to Umbria is complete without dancing to the sounds of accordions played in an ancient courtyard, overlooking the Italian countryside. The dream continues!
We made the northern trek for the "Festa dell'Olivo e Sagra della Bruschetta"... a day to celebrate the oil harvest... a very big deal in all of Umbria. Besides exceptional meandering opportunities, we thoroughly loved the "Le Tradizioni Gruppo Folk". No trip to Umbria is complete without dancing to the sounds of accordions played in an ancient courtyard, overlooking the Italian countryside. The dream continues!
Hello to the two of you. It hardly seems possible that it has been over 2 months since you left for your italian adventure. Your travels are both varied and interesting. You certainly don't sit 'round home' much. You are truly missed; however, reading about your daily adventures makes it seem as though we are right there with you both. Keep on enjoying the adventure, and i guess we will see you, Denise, in a little over a month. Love, Diana
Good thing you aren't shy, you don't mind asking to take pictures of strangers, no matter their language! The men look happy to oblige.
The town looks very quaint.
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