Filipponi and friends...
Our day was diverse and quite delightful. We began by joining a large number of Spoletini to remember Alessandro Filipponi, a musician who was active in the musical life of Spoleto, during the Belle Époque period. FYI: The "Belle Époque" (late 19th century to World War I) was named in retrospect, when it began to be considered a "golden age" the major powers of Europe, new technologies improved lives and the commercial arts adapted Renaissance and eighteenth-century styles to modern forms.
We learned a lot about this artist who for many years lead the City's School of Music. Today, members of the current school played four of his amazing pieces. It was historical and beautiful (the music and the setting). The perfect way to kick off a Saturday.
Chris and Tom have joined us for the weekend. I mentioned Chef Tom, the guy who came to Italy to do his externship from Le Cordon Bleu, in a January blog posting. We have a weekend of tourism, conversation and friendship planned. It's a great day in Italy!
We learned a lot about this artist who for many years lead the City's School of Music. Today, members of the current school played four of his amazing pieces. It was historical and beautiful (the music and the setting). The perfect way to kick off a Saturday.
Chris and Tom have joined us for the weekend. I mentioned Chef Tom, the guy who came to Italy to do his externship from Le Cordon Bleu, in a January blog posting. We have a weekend of tourism, conversation and friendship planned. It's a great day in Italy!
I bet the acoustics were amazing in that gorgeous room...
Was it easy to get in? I mean, was the concert open to anyone?
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