Gary Sinise... a concert for a cause!

Under a star filled sky, seated in a Temecula's Old Town Square, Steve and I learned of sacrifice, honor and some amazing individuals.  The sold out concert was a benefit to raise money for Corporal Juan Dominguez, a triple amputee.  It was during his first tour of duty that his life changed forever.  While working his way down an embankment, the corporal landed on top of a roadside bomb. The resulting explosion that probably should have cost him his life, instead took both of his legs and his right arm.  He exemplifies courage with his strong will to live and positive attitude.

Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band, in partnership with other exceptional people, rallied the citizens of Temecula and beyond, to join together to help fund a 'smart house' for Corporal Dominguez.  The concert opened with scenes of "Forrest Gump", the film that brought Mr. Sinise fame while playing the character Lt. Dan, a soldier who becomes an amputee.

For a Santana song, Corporal Dominguez came on stage and played the bongos along with the band.  The crowd cheered.  Grateful roaring applause was made for the active military, veterans and first responders in the audience.  I found myself extremely emotional and very moved by the kindness of all involved.

I loved the human side of Gary Sinise- the actor.  It was evident he enjoyed making music and making a difference.  His enthusiasm was infectious and all ages were on their feet celebrating this fabulous night.

After seeing the outpouring of love by everyone present, I'm certain Corporal Dominguez will feel welcomed, here in Temecula.  A new home is the least we can do for this hero's sacrifice and I'm thankful Gary Sinise found a way to allow us to show our appreciation.

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Four Points Bulletin said...

Wow! Sounds like a heart filled evening! The stage looks beautiful against the backdrop of Old Town. And how cool that Dominguez came on stage.
Good for you for contributing to the great cause, and it was a nice bonus to see Lt. Dan (awesome actor).
Thanks for sharing!

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