The Friars Club of Beverly Hills...
The other day, I was gifted a large bag of treasures from my friend, Bill. We are kindred spirits who delight in history, ephemera and things Hollywood. This beauty, according to Bill, "was in a lot that I bought at a swap meet. It was with several other items that belonged to Edgar Bergen." Oh so many questions...
This red velvet covered program commemorates the "Command Performance honoring Johnny Carson, The King Who Rules Midnight". It is dated October 19, 1974. The Friars Club of Beverly Hills (also known as the Friars Club of California) began in 1947, when Milton Berle got a group together at the old Savoy Hotel on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, including actors Bing Crosby, Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante, George Jessel, and Robert Taylor. The Friars Club of California was originally established as a spinoff from the New York Friars' Club (1904) as a non-profit, membership only club. Throughout the ‘50s, club members raunchily roasted dozens of celebrities, honored many others and raised thousands of dollars. They also held holiday events for needy children. Fun, right?The President, at the time of Johnny's Roast, was Buddy Hackett who wrote, "It has been my privilege to serve as president of the Friars this year. The honor is compounded by my sharing the dais tonight with wonderful charitable human beings who join in paying tribute to a man who has brought joy to millions and dignity and respect to show business. Johnny Carson, the King Who Rules Midnight, is worthy of the crown he wears."
John Factor, the president of the Friars Club Charity Foundation wrote, "The dictionary defines CHARITY as being that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love of God, and universal good will to all human beings.
We Friars have earnestly endeavored to subscribe to these most exemplary doctrines and have long been proud of our achievements in seeking and helping those in need.
Johnny Carson is not only being honored here tonight because he's a star who has attained the very pinnacle of his profession, but also because he is a person who has proven time and time again that he has "heart." Heart enough to give his talent and energies to numerous causes and events so that a helping hand can be ultimately extended to others.
We are proud, Johnny, that we can call you one of us... a FRIAR! But even more, we are proud that your charitable deeds are just as eloquent as your spoken word."
In 1961, the California club moved into a distinctive, almost windowless building at 9900 Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills, designed by architect Sidney Eisenshtat. The building featured an innovative Modern design that was ahead of its time.
The Friars Club building closed its doors in 2008. It was included in a 2006 survey of commercial structures in Beverly Hills which identified it as being eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources for its association with the Friars Club, as well as its architectural significance as “a good intact example of the work of a master architect, Sidney Eisenshtat. ” Nonetheless, the building was demolished in 2011. So sad.
Cool history can be found almost anywhere... even in a box found at a swap meet. Very cool indeed!
Wow, what an interesting synopsis of the many hidden cultural treasures hiding in plain sight.
I found your blog during a search of past roasts by the Friars Club of Beverly Hills. I still haven't found anything resembling a complete list, dates, etc but I'll keep looking.
Meanwhile, it's happy accidents like finding your excellent summary that keeps me searching. You have an excellent friend in Bill and thanks for sharing your bag of treasure!
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