Butterflies & Friends...

Jun 13

Brady is an amazing planner and today, she outdid herself with our day amongst the butterflies. WOW.

Butterfly Farms was established in 2012 because of a concern with the decline of native butterflies and other native pollinators. This California nonprofit is dedicated to education, conservation and research of their important pollinators. They study the host and nectar plant relationships of pollinators using the Monarch Butterfly as their model.
"Butterflies are self propelled flowers."
-R.H. Heinlein
At 3000 Square Feet, the Butterfly Vivarium is the largest native butterfly free house in Southern California. It’s a place where children and adults alike can experience the magic of Butterflies. The vivarium is home, at different times, to many different local butterfly species including: the Cloudless Sulfur; Cabbage Whites; Painted Ladies; Gulf Fritillaries; Mourning Cloaks; Giant, Desert & Anise Swallowtails; along with the most popular butterfly, the Monarch, and many other species of 'self propelled flowers'.

"Perhaps the butterfly is proof
that you can go through a great deal of darkness
and still become something beautiful."

They say timing is everything and we really lucked out today since just an hour earlier a box of envelopes arrived from one of their suppliers, each envelope stuffed with live butterflies, which an employee released right in front of us.

"The butterfly counts not months but moments,
and has time enough."
-Rabindranath Tagore

I 💗caterpillars... the fact that these unique creatures will become beautiful butterflies just blows me away.
"There is nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."
-R. Buckminster Fuller

For only $6 each, this morning of delight was worth every penny. My heart is happy when it is surrounded by butterflies. Since they will be there until November 1st, I know we'll return. 

"Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting,
small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life.
And everyone deserves a little sunshine."
-Jeffrey Glassberg

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Four Points Bulletin said...

Such a great day! Sunny and filled with butterflies! It was so much fun. I am glad we could hang out before your northern migration.

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