My View for 460 Miles...

Jun 27

Our northern migration to Lake Tahoe required us to caravan, with Steve leading the way. I thought I'd share my view for the ten hour long road trip.

What's funny is the fact that when I lagged behind, Steve slowed down. I later learned he thought that was as fast as I felt I could go (this is the longest drive I've done since breaking my neck almost two years ago). I thought he was driving conservatively so I hung back. While this made the trip longer than it needed to be, my sweet little Subaru averaged 44 mpg and I didn't have to fill up once!
As we got closer, we each became more and more giddy about finally going home!
I only glanced backward once. ONWARD.
Our Sierra Summer, spent by the lake, will be unforgettable. Giddy, indeed!
“You will never be completely at home again,
because part of your heart will always be elsewhere.
That is the price you pay for the richness
of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”

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Erin said...

My mom and I are hoping to be up in Tahoe for the last week and a half of July - fingers crossed! Hope we can see you!

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