Temecula's Roller Derby...

May 15

How could I resist? "The Wine Town Rollers (WTR), which is the Temecula Valley’s first roller derby league, want members of the community to step out of their comfort zone and try a new thing…Roller Derby!"

It was recruitment day. “We are looking to grow our league and we have space for new skaters, skating and non-skating referees, officials, coaching assistants, photographers, videographers, and league volunteers.”
Since Steve won't let me skate, I plan to help out, when in town. I'd love to be their photographer. Oh man, such fun.
We arrived too late to see the ladies in action, but I delighted in their accessories.
"WTR is devoted to the hard-hitting world of women’s flat-track roller derby and is a full member league of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The league is currently comprised of one local home team, in addition to the WFTDA charter travel team, the Whine Makers."
This gal, who has been derbying since 2006, rolls for Oceanside's Hidden City Derby Girls. Their motto? We Maim to Please. I can't wait. I 💛 roller derby!

“We all fall down at some point.
It’s what you do when you get up that matters!”
— Helen Wheels, #67, Denver Roller Derby

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Jenny said...

how late into the summer or fall do they play? We miss our Tahoe Derby Dames

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