Diverse Scenes...

May 03

Currently we're in the throes of moving Steve's mom to a different apartment so our focus has been redirected. I did want to share some images that were worth capturing, for various reasons. Life will get blog-worthy again soon. For now, we are happy to be doing what it is we are doing.

The coolest find in Mom's clean out was a box of Hollywood Sani-White. This very vintage product was used by nurses to shine their white shoes, and by parents to clean their babies' shoes, as it was advertised as non-toxic and safe so that babies could chew on them.
You know it's true because it was advertised in Life Magazine's Aug 12, 1966 issue.
The scariest thing we saw was this traffic accident, on our way home from Carlsbad, with two entwined cars fully engulfed in flames. We were passing by before any emergency crew had arrived. So tragic.
The quietness of my morning was interrupted by this hot air balloon. It is a sight I always love to see.
The best scene of the day was having a butterfly rest on my finger. Oh man, the simple pleasures. Winnie The Pooh was right when he said, “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our heart.”

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