Birds & Flowers... A Garden Escape!
Since we needed to gather something from our daughter-in-law's folks' home, we arrived with muffins. Julie and Mike provided coffee and the most spectacular Nature Extravaganza. Wow.
We delighted in all the comings and goings in their park-like yard. I was mesmerized.
Hummingbirds, of all varieties, filled the air with color and excitement.
What a performance!
These people are professional plant propagators. I have never quite seen greener thumbs!
I love being with people who know plants. Do you have any idea what this is? Asclepias species produce their seeds in pods termed follicles. The seeds, which are arranged in overlapping rows, bear a cluster of white, silky, filament-like hairs known as the coma. The follicles ripen and split open, and the seeds, each carried by its coma, are blown by the wind.
How gorgeous is this Milkweed? I love it, not only for its beauty but also because it is so important to Monarchs. During COVID, we learned, this wonderful plant was a huge seller. I guess people wanted a pollinator garden to have flying treasures hanging out in their yard. Fun!
I want to live in this nursery. There is something magical about all those 'babies'.
“Gardening is the greatest tonic and therapy a human being can have.
Even if you have only a tiny piece of earth,
you can create something beautiful,
which we all have a great need for.
If we begin by respecting plants,
it’s inevitable we’ll respect people.”
— Audrey Hepburn
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