"An Absolutely Mind Blowing On-site Estate Sale..."

May 14

 How could we resist that description?

It continues... "featuring an enormous collection of vintage goods from a lifetime collector. He was a true collector, in the 30 years that I knew him, I only know of one item he ever sold."
"Vintage clocks, waffle irons, toasters, wall clocks, desk clocks, malt mixers, radios, curling irons, flat irons, coffee percolator‘s, Chase art deco chrome and copper, vintage kitchen ware and glassware, syrup pitchers, vintage vibrators (yes those too), razors, and lots more. Thousands and thousands of items. Hundreds of rare hard to find items. It’s a real collectors, dealers or online sellers dream. All meticulously cared for and kept clean by the late collector."
I could not find out too much about the owner of this extraordinary collection. James F. Gates was born July 11, 1929. At one point he was a member of the Palomar Model A Club (so he collected more than just household treasures).
Everything here was pristine... better than new. It was mindboggling, truly!
Pristine and plentiful! I have never seen so many of the same treasures gathered in one place. Mr. Gates' home rivaled any store I've ever been in.

I was intrigued by the vintage haircare products. Wow.

Can you imagine how many milkshakes these beauties created.
I don't even know what this is but it's "Guaranteed Forever". Wild.

Steve asked the estate salesman if all the items were brought out for the event. No, he lived with his treasures fully displayed. This is his bathroom. Can you see the toilet across from his clocks (his many, many, many clocks)?
Along with most of the waffle irons, these toasters were stove top models, using the stove's heat source vs electricity. All are pre-1930s and incredibly rare, especially in their exceptional condition. How fun would traveling about, searching for these treasures, have been with Mr. Gates?
And what did we walk away with? Steve got a new, probably never used chainsaw. I got a 1946 Selchow & Righter Parcheesi Board Game. It is complete and awesome (and a deal at $6). I also got a vintage HS Waffelbäckerei Cast Iron Waffle Mold with instructions and recipes in its original box (made in West Germany).  It consists of  three molds which are a six-point star, flower, and butterfly. Mine actually came with a bonus circle mold. Fun stuff.

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Nesbit Library rocks! said...

Who did all the polishing and dusting to keep everything looking so shiny and clean?!

Lisa in Canada said...

Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!I would have loved this!!! What an amazing display. It's like the most fantastic museum. Im so glad you shared this. What a hoot and what fun!

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