Birds & Wildflowers...
With everything inside closed, there is always something amazing to do outside in Lake Tahoe. Today we found ourselves on the Lam Watah Historic Trail for a stroll through Rabe Meadows.
The trail passes through an area of meadows once slated for casino development but saved by the Nature Conservancy, which donated the tract to the U.S. Forest Service. Its name is derived from a Washoe Indian phrase meaning permanent mortar by the stream. The area was used as a campsite for more than 1,000 years. Interpretive signs alongside the trail provide insights into the natural and human history of the area. This flat, meandering trail is one of our favorites.
There was a mud gathering frenzy that was so interesting to watch. How very cool.
For only being the last day in May, the wildflowers were performing spectacularly!
Snow Plants were bursts of red everywhere we looked.
I think Mountain Bluebirds are my favorite shade of blue. Gorgeous!
We don't remember ever seeing Quail here. I love these guys.
If I had to have a favorite woodpecker, it would be the Flicker!
"Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable,
butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life.
And everyone deserves a little sunshine."
-Jeffrey Glassberg
I have a strong feeling that this summer's blog posts will be more nature based than ever before. It is what we've been craving anyway. We are truly in the perfect spot for us. I'm happy to share it with you!
"Just living is not enough…
one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
-Hans Christian Andersen
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