Stamp Collecting Month Comes Early

Sep 27

When my friend Marianne told me she was coming by to gift me with her husband's stamp collection, I had no idea what a treasure trove of Philatelic fun it would be.

Ted's company dealt with many foreign entities and these pre-1996 stamps are from all over the world... gorgeous.
The timing for this gift couldn't be more perfect. Did you know that October is National Stamp Collecting Month? Philatelists everywhere, rejoice!
The United States first instituted Stamp Collecting Month in 1981 as a joint venture between the United States Postal Service and the Council of Philatelic Organizations. The postmaster general at the time of the holiday's inception, William F. Bolger, summed up the purpose of National Stamp Collecting Month in calling stamp collecting “the world’s most popular hobby” and urging “employees and customers alike to discover the joy of stamp collecting- the hobby of a lifetime.”
It was a French collector, M. Georges Heroin, who first coined the term philately combining the two Greek words philos, meaning friend, and atelia meaning free, exempt from any charge or tax. In this way the word was meant to describe the study of that which has sets a letter free from tax, i.e. stamps. So dang cool!
While I won't be an actual philatelist, as my stamps will be used vs stored in an album, my philos will experience my collection via handmade love notes. Thank you Ted and Marianne. You did pick the right recipient. I can't wait.

“Stamp Collecting dispels boredom,
enlarges our vision, broadens our knowledge,
makes us better citizen and in innumerable ways, enriches our lives”
–President Roosevelt

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Nesbit Library rocks! said...

Can't wait to see them in person!

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