Gorgeous New Book: The Lost Words
This amazing book, The Lost Words, was brought to my attention and I just had to own it.
From Acorn to Weasel: a gorgeous, hand-illustrated, large-format spell book celebrating the magic and wonder of the natural world. All over the country, there are words disappearing from children's lives. Words like Dandelion, Otter, Bramble, Acorn and Lark represent the natural world of childhood, a rich landscape of discovery and imagination that is fading from children's minds. The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood. It is a joyful celebration of the poetry of nature words and the living glory of our distinctive, British countryside. With acrostic spell-poems by peerless wordsmith Robert Macfarlane and hand-painted illustrations by Jackie Morris, this enchanting book captures the irreplaceable magic of language and nature for all ages.Some words were absolutely lost to me. One was conker (noun) 1. the hard, shiny dark brown nut of a horse chestnut tree. 2. a children's game in which each child has a conker on the end of a string and takes turns trying to break another's with it.
I am a huge fan of acrostic poems. I'm sharing the one for fern because one of my dearest friends is a Fern.
Fern's first form is furled,
Each frond fast as a fiddle-head.
Reach, roll and unfold follows. Fern flares.
Now fern is fully fanned.
Ms Morris' depiction of otters is so playful. I love her images.
This book is for everyone who loves language, poetry, wordplay, nature, and deep rich color. The catalyst for the book came when Macfarlane discovered that a new children's encyclopedia had discontinued some words to make way for others; in this case, the technological world overruled the natural world. The creators sought to conjure and reclaim twenty of the lost words and the way of looking at wildlife that they valued. The subtitle: A Spell Book is pretty accurate as this treasury has cast a spell on me.
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