Happy Thinking of YOU Week...
Woo hoo. I've been waiting for this week for a long time. It's finally here.
"Help create a wave of happiness by sending a card a day for the week of September 21st-27th. This year, connecting with friends and loved ones by sending greeting cards feels extra special. We think more people than ever are ready to participate in Thinking of You Week by sending cards and brightening the days of people they have not had the chance to see for a while."I prepped my bundle of love notes, weeks ago, and took them into our local Temecula Post Office with the promise, "The USPS is once again supporting the event with a Thinking of You postmark on every piece of first-class mail for the month of September! Keep an eye out for it as you receive your mail!"
I've been examining the mail I've been receiving and sure enough, there is the special, darling postmark, except from mail sent from my own post office. Today, I met with the Postmaster explaining my desire for the envelope adornment promised (like that's all he has to worry about- sheesh Denise). Oh man, he didn't understand. He made phone calls. He got online. He attempted to make it happen for me but it was completely lost on him. Needless-to-say, I left disappointed [don't get me wrong, I am still a huge lover of the USPS]. I just wanted you to know, if you're one of the recipients of a card from me the Thinking of You postmark will most likely be missing. Maybe next year I'll have them sent from one of the 19 US cities name Friendship. Thinking of YOU... always!
"What a wonderful thing is the mail,
capable of conveying across continents a warm human hand-clasp."
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