My Big Day with Cindy...

Sep 19

What a day of almost normalcy as my dear friend, Cindy, came to Temecula to share her two month old granddaughter (her first). I've known her since our children were in class together in 2nd grade. What a treat to see these new roles performed by these amazing women.

After a nice reconnect, Brit and baby went to the Mall to meet a friend, while Cindy and I walked the 1.3 miles to have coffee, lunch and a long gabfest at our nearest Starbucks (did I mention it was 100°+). The day ended with our feet in the pool and plans for our next get together made.

While the masks and constant physical distancing made us aware of COVID, the comfort of the company of an old friend made it that much more bearable. It was truly a perfect day.

"It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend,
but it's your best friends who are your diamonds."
-Gina Barreca

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