Miscellaneous Carlsbad...

The M.O. of our last few trips to Southern California has been to try to see as many people as we can in our limited time frame. At times that gets pretty crazy.

We are spending two nights with Steve's mom in Carlsbad, so today we gathered sandwiches from the local deli, and took them to Karen and David's business for lunch in their conference room. This was the perfect spot for getting caught up and spending some quality time together.
The next stop was the Carlsbad Library's Friends Bookstore where I got some great deals on summer reads and eye-spied this cool re-purposed mailbox. I was excited to see this disposal bin for worn American flags that are no longer fit to display. The flags are collected by the fire department and retired in accordance with the United States flag code, which states burning the flag as a preferred method for dignified destruction. As a past Cubmaster, this proper disposal is such a powerful and wonderful way for a flag's end. I thought this service needed to be shared.
We then took Betty to the beach for Happy Hour at Coyote Bar & Grill. What fun we all had. It was good food, great people watching and a whole lot of laughing.
"Happy Hour is the Best Hour!"

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