How Many Books Did You Read?
When we met with our friends, Karen and David, she was armed with questions about our Road Trip. One of them was "How many books did you read?". One would think that a bibliophile, like myself, would have read copious amounts with all the miles we put on and open terrain we passed through. The truth is, I don't read while we drive. It's not like I can't. I'm quite proficient at it with no carsickness issues. It's just that I love to look at the view and discuss it with Steve. So to answer Karen's question: I read TEN books in three months (not too bad).
Mindy Kaling's tale was about the start of her career (The Office) and her ultimate desire to be happily married with children. So sweet!
Oh man, and the last one was Bill Bryson's hysterical and historical depiction of his life and America in the 1950s. Even more poignant was the fact that he grew up in Des Moines, Iowa- the town my parents grew up in too (only much earlier). Through his eyes, I was given the opportunity to glimpse a bit of what life was like for my mom and dad. This book is high on my "you should read this" list. What fun.
“A book's a strange thing. It's ideas, feelings.
It's fragile and complicated.
You can't make them like refrigerators or cars.”
― Étienne Davodeau
Ten books in the three months was more than you thought. Good job! Just think how many questions I would have had without the blog and the communication we had in the three months :)
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