Our Oceanside Morning...

Wanting to get by the sea, we headed to Oceanside for a brief interlude. We are so glad we did.

On our stroll to the pier we couldn't help but be drawn to the drumbeat from the 14th annual Heiva San Diego competition. Once there, we were awestruck by all the beauty.
This cultural organization is dedicated to promoting friendship, understanding and cultural awareness between the people of French Polynesia and the United States through dancing, singing, travel, education, and the cultural arts. What made it that much more exciting for us is that we'll be traveling to French Polynesia next year.
In Tahitian, the word Heiva (hei meaning to assemble, and va meaning community places) refers to cultural activities, pastimes, physical exercise, and festivals. Music, dancing, singing and sporting events have always held an important place in Polynesian communities. In ancient times, they were essential components of religious and political ceremonies. In modern times, it means (to us) that we were impressed and very entertained. Wow.

Watching the creation of the headdresses showed that it was a work of not only talent but love. They were amazing.

Our timing did not allow us to linger long but what we did see was quite exceptional. Maybe next time!
OMA West at The Seabird Resort is always a must. This small gallery showcases local talent with its exhibits changing every couple of months.
The description for Organic Cubism reads, "A survey of four San Diego-based artists whose work is defined by bold geometric shapes intersecting with color offers us a mesmerizing journey through the depths of the psyche. Unique artistic perspectives by Mensah Bay, Denja Harris, Josie Marlyn Gomez, and Monty Montgomery explore form and color through striking patterns, dynamic juxtapositions, and intense hues, all merging to create a powerful and disorientingly psychological-sensory experience. This intricate array of works creates a visual language that speaks to the complexities of the human experience..."
..."A testament to the power of art to transcend boundaries and ignite the imagination, Organic Cubism invites us to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, where every brush stroke and splash of color offers a glimpse into the infinite possibilities of the human mind."

Every time we come to Oceanside our imaginations are ignited! I do love this little beach town just 34 miles from our Temecula home.

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