Fête de la Musique...

The town's motto should be "Avignon's Got It Going On!" I'm telling you, we are surprised almost daily with something new and delightful.

The Fête de la Musique, a national event, highlights music in all its genres and styles such as rap, jazz, French song and even rock during numerous free concerts. These performances take place in diverse locations from bars, to historical venues, to just on the streets. It is open to all musicians- amateurs and professionals alike. It celebrates live music and showcases the vast diversity of ways of making varying types of music. We were so in!
We began with the sweet voices of children, Chorale par le Conservotoire du Grand Avignon.
We then headed back to the Basilique Notre-Dame des Doms for an organ concert which showcased the beauty of the church's two historic instruments.

The star of the show was built in the 19th century by the Italian organ builder, Piantanida. This valuable instrument, an object of France’s genuine interest and admiration, is often familiarly identified with the sole title of Orgue Doré. It is considered a landmark of 19th century Italian organs.
After the installation of the new, second choir organ, the Mutin, in 1904, the Doré was abandoned. It wasn't until 1967, that the first restoration of the instrument occurred. In 1974, the Orgue Doré was classified as Historic and here we are 50 years later, enjoying them both
Another amazing church, 14th century Basilique Saint-Pierre, was our next stop for a Concert de musique sacrée. Here is a short video of the magic that was felt in this truly spectacular space.

This was the first of two percussion bands and oh man, they got the night going!

Listening to this clip will get you dancing in your chair!

We heard these guys, Oumpack, coming long before we could see them. They led the arrival of the Olympic Flame and now they were ringing in the Summer Solstice with their infectious energy. They were truly our favorites of the night!

This final video will hopefully give you a sense of what the night was like. Oh man, what a blast.
The music went on until 1:30 AM and while we were in bed long before then, the sounds permeated our walls so we could still be a part of it all. What an amazing kickoff to Summer. I'm so ready!

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