Undercover Blues Movie: The Sailboat

Lately, I have been recommending a lot of our old time favorite movies since it's stay inside weather. The one that has the most connection to us, personally, is Undercover Blues, which we still love almost 30 years since its release.

Undercover Blues is a 1993 action comedy film about a family of secret agents starring Kathleen Turner, Dennis Quaid and Stanley Tucci, among other talented cast members. Jane and Jefferson Blue are a wise-cracking couple of spies, for an unnamed U.S. covert organization, on maternity leave in New Orleans with their baby daughter. With the baby's arrival, they have decided to move on to Chapter Two of their marriage, retiring from field assignment in an attempt to give their daughter a normal life. While they enjoy the tourism of the city, they are the repeated targets of a low-level mugger called 'Muerte' (Tucci) who they foil with relative ease each time he tries to attack them (one of Stanley Tucci's funniest roles).
Kathleen Turner Starboard Side
SPOILER ALERT: Frank, their former handler from Jeff and Jane's espionage days, asks the duo for one more mission in exchange for longer maternity leave and an added bonus to their salary. Long story short, they accept the assignment, foil an evil former Czech Secret Police officer, retrieve an experimental plastic explosive, and at the end, celebrate their victory by leaving New Orleans by this Transpac sailboat.
Ross Port Side
So how did we hear about this movie, whose box office earnings were only half of its $25 million budget? In 1993, Steve's dad bought the actual boat, Papela, the Blues sailed off in. The yacht salesman used that fact in his sales pitch. To think, I sat where Dennis Quaid sat just months before. Fun right?!
Kathleen & Dennis
Ross & Betty
Interesting film faux pas, "On the compass binnacle in the sailboat at the end of the movie, it has two dymo label strips for bearings "DANA PT. - AVALON 244M" and "NEWPORT - AVALON 224M" which would be for a sailboat used off of the California coast, and not New Orleans." Our maiden voyage departed Dana Point for Papela's new home in Newport.
I am always delighted to have memories evoked, for whatever reason. How fun that a rainy day movie recommendation would do just that.

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Jenny said...

Your life experiences never cease to amaze me! Love the sailboat story and photo of furry face Steve in the Austria photo in next post.

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