Sebastopol: Florence Ave. Art

This quaint town is home to the talented team of artists Patrick Amiot and Brigitte Laurent. Their junk art and wall reliefs are a collaborative effort of ideas and talents. Jointly conceived- Patrick sculpts and Brigitte paints.

The wide array of larger-than-life, brightly colored figures has become synonymous with the must-see sites in Sebastopol. In a google search of the top 5 things to do here, Florence Ave is high on the list.
Florence Avenue, perhaps the most visited street in town, where multiple sculptures live in front yards up and down the street.
What I love about these pieces is that from a distance they look like what they represent. This harried waitress, for example, carrying a plate of spaghetti.
On closer inspection, the pasta is really a pile of chain, painted cleverly. This team are really amazing repurposers. I love that.
As I strolled the Avenue, I found myself not only in awe but also laughing. This Crow Bar was hysterical and who hasn't felt the way the far left crow feels?
Years ago, Amiot started making junk art for fun. He created and installed a giant fisherman made from a water heater in his front yard, and received an unexpected reaction—his neighbors wanted to see more. The rest, as they say, is history. And history plays a big part in the sculptor's philosophy behind the raw style of his art.
"The whole purpose of my work is to glorify these objects, because they have their own spirit," Amiot enthuses. "When a hubcap has traveled on a truck for millions of miles, and has seen the prairies in the winter and the hot summer asphalt, when it's done traveling with that truck and finds itself in the scrap yard and I find it, I kind of like to use that. This hubcap, or whatever piece of metal, from the day it was manufactured until now, has an important history. And I like to think the spirit of all these things lived incredible lives. If they could talk to you, they could tell amazing stories. That's something I don't want to hide."

I knew, when I arrived here, that this must be the epicenter of it all. I mean, just look at the car! The Amiot residence and studio is clearly apparent by the abundance of sculptures on the front lawn waiting for homes.

This smiling 'car salesman' has to be one of my favorites.
Just look at his 'teeth'. Wow, so clever!

Seeing things so uniquely, Amiot delights. Check out the campers nose... a flashlight. Wild.
Not every piece is one I'd want in my yard. I don't quite get this skeleton riding a motorcycle. Is there a message there? Did the resident choose this piece?
What an incredible detour of art and delight. Florence Ave. is certainly one of my favorite things to do in Sebastopol.
“The world always seems brighter
when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.”
– Neil Gaiman

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