Whirlwind Tahoe Stop

This hasn't been our summer for too many unforgettable Sierra memories but when this brief escape arose, we embraced the opportunity.

We celebrated our friend Sharon's birthday with a brunch al fresco. We played Yahtzee on Bob and Jenny's deck overlooking the Lake. I had coffee and catchup time with Cyndi, and while I spent the day with Karen, Steve hiked his favorite trail. It may have been a brief visit but it was exceptional one.
Karen and I began our Friend Fun Day at Cove East for some Lake admiring and nature ogling.

We then had coffee at a darling new little store, Gathered and Grown Home.
This adorable shop is a curated home goods store for the modern living environment. Founded by mother and daughter, the store offers an intimate setting to browse, shop, drink coffee and relax.
"The organization and store experience are premised on the principles of slow living: cultivating community, simplifying our lives, love of design and investing time in appreciating the preciousness of our environment."
Our ultimate destination was the Haldan Gallery at Lake Tahoe Community College. The current exhibit is Luminous Nights: A Dance of Light and Darkness. These photos by Vanessa Franking are unbelievably gorgeous and unique.
We were asked to "Step into a realm where the night comes alive with movement and mystery. The collection of photographs explores the enchanting interplay of light and color in the deepest hours of night. The show includes stunning captures of the Milky Way and night sky, offering a celestial perspective that invites viewers to lose themselves in the vast expanse of stars. The photographs not only highlight the beauty of the cosmos but also evoke a sense of wonder and contemplation."
"Light-painting images, taken during the early blue hour or combined with the Milky Way, add another layer of creativity and intrigue. These works demonstrate the artist’s mastery in using minimal light to create maximum impact, blending natural and artificial light sources to craft unique and ethereal visuals."

At the beginning of the exhibit there is a display where Vanessa recognizes Light-Painting legends Eric Paré and Kim Henry for luring her into the world of tube light-painting and into the worldwide Tube Tribe of fellow light-painter. I found an amazing video that shows just how Eric makes the magic happen. Wow.
"Through this collection, the artist invites you to experience the magic of night, where the scarcity of light paints a dark canvas for infinite creativity. Join us for an immersive journey into the art of long exposure photography, where every image tells a story of light and shadow in perfect harmony."
I agree with Vanessa's philosophy, 100%, "This is a work in progress. I travel, I observe, and I see. Always looking for the joy element, I hope to share with you the world as I see it."

While our stay in Tahoe wasn't nearly long enough, it definitely contained many joy elements!

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Guenda said...

Ciao Denise🩵 lots of love from Rome/Italy

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