Giraffes, Rhinos & Tigers... Oh My!

Lynne and I had a long overdue date at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Today, we made it happen!

There really isn't too much to say. It was a wonderful day with a wonderful friend.
There's just something about hanging out here that makes us happy!

The best way to see the most animals, in the least amount of time, is by traveling on the African Tram. We try to do it first thing, when everyone is more awake.

I think I need submissions for a caption for this photo of two, quite comical White Pelicans.

There has been a baby boom in the Park. When we looked closely, new life was evident.

These guys always surprise me. I just don't expect them here.
We dined at the Watering Hole Restaurant, my favorite place to eat at the Safari Park. Besides great service and delicious food, these two were our entertainment for the duration of our lunch!
Rhinos are called Chubby Unicorns here. I love them.
It was an embarrassment of riches when we went to see the Sumatran Tigers.
Four different felines were frolicking in the glorious sunshine. We'll have to return in late Fall to meet the newest addition. On August 23, first-time mother Jillian gave birth. She and her cub will remain in her den for several weeks. This window of time is crucial, as it allows the youngster to bond with, and learn from, the mother. When Jillian is ready, she will bring her cub out of the den, where they will have access to a specially designed maternity habitat that allows Mom to keep an eye on her cub while they explore the outdoors for the first time. Wildlife care specialists estimate this will happen when the cub is 10 to 12 weeks old, though it will be dependent on health and behavior. I can't wait!
"Let's face it,
friends make life a lot more fun.”
-Charles R. Swindoll

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