My girlfriend, Keri, shared this apt noun describing me.

Solanthophile (n.): someone who is irresistibly in love with sunflowers, especially because of their positive vibe and aura. And while not found in a dictionary, I like the idea of the word.
I have found myself in large fields of sunflowers in Italy and in California. If spotted, a loud "Stop the car!" is uttered. It brings me such joy.
"If I wasn't created as a human, I'd want to be a sunflower, for to me, there is nothing as cheery or as bright in the world. This majestic bloom stands in a field taller than those plants which surround it. Its brilliant yellow petals are visible from great distances, allowing happiness to begin, in wonderful anticipation. Its face, no matter its circumstances, is always turned toward the sun, seeking its warmth and goodness. Its seeds number in vast quantities, allowing new sprouts to grow over large areas, spreading its cheeriness easily and freely. It is a sunflower that I'd want to be, if, of course, I wasn't me."
“A sunflower field is like
a sky with a thousand suns.”
― Corina Abdulahm-Negura
"Keep your face to the sunshine
and you cannot see the shadow.
It's what sunflowers do."
-Helen Keller
"Flowers have an expression of countenance
as much as men and animals.
Some seem to smile; some have a sad expression;
some are pensive and diffident; others again are plain,
honest and upright, like the broad-faced sunflower and the hollyhock."
-Henry Ward Beecher
While on a road trip through Kansas, I spotted sunflowers in a field. This huge work demanded the question, "Did I see what I thought I saw?" In 2001, Cameron Cross created a 24 by 32 foot reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers and mounted it on an 80 foot steel easel. This photo doesn't do it justice. The structure and painting weigh 40,000 pounds and resides in Goodland, Kansas. By the way, Kansas is nicknamed the Sunflower State so this painting is perfect for so many reasons.
And when I can't find a sunflower field to be in, I always have my car. My last two vehicles have been adorned with this delightful image. I am so a SOLANTHOPHILE. What a delightful trip down my Sunflower Memory Lane.

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