A Return to the Zoo...

We had to drop our son off at the San Diego Airport at 7 AM so we used the early time to arrive at the Zoo before opening hours. This guaranteed us a killer parking spot and a well-timed ticket to ogle Pandas.

We were informed that 24,000 guests were going to visit today. I don't think I've ever been where it was that populated.
Unbeknownst to us, the San Diego Zoo releases macaws at the opening of the gates every morning. How fun that we arrived early to witness the show, which included a flight of macaws and a child from the audience pushing a button to release them.
The unique flowers in bloom were a treat, too.

A flamboyance of flamingos is one of my favorite things!

Because it was early and still cool (65°) most of the animals were out and active.

Some on the other hand, enjoyed their morning naptime.

Without a timed entrance ticket, the wait for the standby line, for Panda Ridge, was 1½ hours. Oh man, we planned our morning right.

Since the Zoo’s inception in 1916, after the Panama-California Exposition, people have been making memories here. Today, we made quite a few... all before 11 AM. What fun!

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