Haven at Sebastopol Center for the Arts

There is an incredible amount of art to be found in the little town of Sebastopol (pop. 7,338). A favorite, local place that showcases creative talents is the Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Its current exhibition is titled Haven: Place of Comfort & Contemplation.

"In today’s fast-paced, often chaotic world, we find ourselves longing for spaces where we can feel comfort, engage in thoughtful contemplation, and experience a sense of security. Sanctuaries come in many forms, whether they be physical places, metaphysical states of mind, or places of human connection."
"In this show, artists are exhibiting their version of Haven, beckoning viewers into these sanctuaries, and revealing the profound impact of these spaces through various mediums and techniques."
It was so interesting to discover the varied images, and mediums, depicting HAVEN (noun) a place of safety or refuge. Similar: retreat, shelter, sanctuary, asylum, place of security, port in a storm, harbor, oasis, sanctum.
Marilyn Sommer's A Sunny Day captured a place in which I would completely retreat.

I can almost feel the cool, moist sea air found in the oasis that is Henry White's Rush Creek.

How incredible is this photograph and mosaic melding into one another? I was very impressed by Natalie McGuire's Hint of Gold.

Brett Tapia couldn't contain his haven, Journey of the Love Boat #7, as it oozed off the side of the canvas.
There's something to be said about bold & quirky.

I was drawn to the chaos of this collage. I would love to know what part of it is a haven for the artist. Perhaps it's just the act of creating?

This was the one piece Steve appreciated most. Payton Stewart used recycled materials, wood, paper, cardstock, foam, in addition to assorted toy and model parts.
Rig 1 was so detailed and so otherworldly.
Another creative Payton, Payton Brown, took Best in Show for this fantastic and realistic oil painting titled Always, Always Faithful, Always There for You.
She had written about herself, "Currently, my work is focused on food and its power to connect people, uphold traditions, and evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Throughout my work, food-related or not, one of the main concepts that inspires me is beauty within the mundane. There is great significance in everyday moments and ordinary places if we look long enough to appreciate it, and this is a driving force behind my artistic practice." I absolutely love her stuff!
Isn't art, itself, a haven? For me it truly is a port in a storm. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi said of life, "How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days adds up to a formless blur, or to something resembling a work of art." I'm hoping for a masterpiece!

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