I'm in South Lake Tahoe...

I've returned to my Happy Place to reconnect with all I love after our extended absence.

I had a date with Karen today and she was willing to hike down to Emerald Bay with me. I must do this at least once a Summer and Karen was right when she said that we should do it my first day in town just because you never know what might happen.
This sign, at the trailhead, was new to me. It reads, "CAUTION. This hike is a 2 mile out and back hike with 500 ft elevation gain in 1 mile at 6700 ft elevation. This is a strenuous hike for some people (ME). Please do not let family or friends attempt if they have mobility issues, medical complications or recent surgeries. Be sure to have water and snacks- Elevation changes can have surprising effects. There are NO RIDES OUT. What is hiked down MUST be hiked up."

I was a bit concerned even before reading the warning. I'm out of shape. I haven't been in high elevation in six months. Would I be able to do it?

I am so glad I didn't miss this. Yes, the going was slow but Karen is patient and we were rewarded with the splendor we know and love.

While sitting on the dock of the bay, this beauty arrived. The owner of Chispa, after listening to our praise, told us the story of his boat. When he was in his 20s he saw this boat on the Lake and never forgot it. Eventually, after being patient, he was able to purchase it and just had to rename it. The old-time placer miners talked of chispa. It is an expressive Spanish word which means a spark of fire. This 1936 Gar Wood is definitely a spark of fire on the emerald blue water of Lake Tahoe. WOW.
Karen's must was a visit to Lower Eagle Falls. The hike was so worth it.
This was our perfect picnic spot!

This trip north is a solo one for me but next time Steve will be joining me. This is his Happy Place, too.

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