Fiber in 3D at the Cannon

Opening today, the new exhibit at Carlsbad's Cannon Art Gallery called my name.

"Featuring contemporary dimensional fiber works by over 25 national artists juried by Fiber Art Now. Explore a breadth of unique materials, methods and themes interpreted through fiber and fabric techniques such as installation, weaving, basketry, sculpture, felting, surface design, knitting, wearables, and mixed media."
Artist Jing Pei called this very cool 'dress' Tacky Statues: Flora. What fun.

This was a collection of such diverse talent, styles, and mediums. We we so thoroughly impressed by it all.
I would wear George-Ann Bowers' Mango Tango.
This very interesting '9' is really titled Magellanic. I found it intriguing.
Gray Caskey created this using porcelain, graphite, bamboo, and copper. Wild.
This piece demanded a close study and a pair of glasses! Hear Me Out by Amy Genser is amazingly complicated.
Strips of mulberry paper were coiled into 'tiles' that were joined (woven together), in a very interesting way using with copper wire.

This beautiful Kimono by Jayne Tucker was crafted using recycled tea bags and cotton thread. How very clever!
Recycling indeed!
Can you guess of what this fancy vest is made? Radioles Rhythm, by Kim Hahn and Ja-Young Hwang constructed this using surgical masks and KN95 masks.

Common Thread by Angela Corson was so unique.

I love when art makes me say an audible "Wow". Lavastone did just that.
Cecilia Lusven challenged the observer to guess what her medium was...
Oh my gosh, this art is manipulated bicycle inner tubes! Craziness.
In days/nights Joyce Barker-Schwartz also used coils but hers were cotton canvas strips.

Passage was stunning. Susan Zimmerman used linen, stained with coffee and tea, to create a work that, for me, evoked whimsy and wanderlust. I loved it.

This small, free art gallery is a true treasure in Carlsbad. We have seen such a variety of exhibits. Steve actually said that he thought Fiber in 3D was one of the best. It will be at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery until November 30th. If you're anywhere near, I highly recommend a stop by. Let me know which piece calls your name. Wow.

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