Edinburgh Castle: History & Tea...

We booked our day at Edinburgh's #1 attraction way back in April. I'm so glad we did as when we arrived, it was completely sold out.

Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortified places in Europe. With a long rich history as a royal residence, military garrison, prison and fortress, it is alive with many exciting tales. When we climbed Castle Hill, we walked in the footsteps of soldiers, kings and queens – and even the odd pirate or two. What fun!
Its history is a complicated and interesting one. Set upon its mighty rock, Edinburgh Castle’s strategic advantage is clear. Seeing the site’s military potential, Iron Age people built a hill fort on the rock. Early medieval poetry tells of a war band that feasted here for a year before riding to their deaths in battle.
As well as guarding great moments in history, the castle has suffered many sieges. During the Wars of Independence it changed hands many times. In 1314, the Scots retook the castle from the English in a daring night raid led by Thomas Randolph, nephew of Robert the Bruce.

Following the ‘Union of the Crowns’ of 1603, Edinburgh Castle was rarely visited by the reigning monarch, but from the 1650s it grew into a significant military base. Defenses were rebuilt and enhanced in response to the Jacobite Risings of 1689–1746. New gun batteries were constructed and new barracks were added to house the many soldiers and officers.
The castle defenses have evolved over hundreds of years. Interestingly, the castle is the most besieged place in Britain. In 1639, the castle was captured in just 30 minutes, taken by Covenanter forces led by the distinguished General Alexander Leslie. A Jacobite force failed to capture the castle during the Rising of 1715 thanks to poor planning. The ladder they brought to scale the ramparts turned out to be too short.
Okay, you get the idea of its vast history and various ownerships. It's overwhelming. Though parts of it remain in military use, the castle is now a world-famous visitor attraction. It’s also an iconic part of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site.

This gentleman was in period costume to draw attention to the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. The 1916 Somme offensive was one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the First World War (1914-18). The opening day of the attack, 1 July 1916, saw the British Army sustain 57,000 casualties, the bloodiest day in its history. The campaign finally ended in mid-November after an agonizing five-month struggle that failed to secure a breakthrough. We know so little of British history.

The Honours of Scotland are the oldest Crown jewels in Britain. Made of gold, silver and precious gems, they were created in Scotland and Italy during the reigns of James IV and James V. The crown, scepter and sword of state were first used together for the coronation of a monarch in 1543, when nine-month-old Mary, Queen of Scots came to the throne.
The story of the Scottish Crown Jewels (regalia) is stranger than fiction. First of all they were hidden to stop them falling into English hands. Then, following the Treaty of Union in 1707, the ancient crown jewels of Scotland disappeared for a century. Rumors circulated that the English had removed them to London. However it was one of Scotland’s most celebrated literary sons who rediscovered them.
Long story short, when the Scottish Parliament was dissolved in 1707, the jewels were locked in a chest in the Crown Room at Edinburgh Castle where they remained, forgotten. Of all Scots who have formed their countrymen and women’s perceptions of Scottish history, Sir Walter Scott was one of the most important. The Prince Regent (later George IV) was so impressed by Sir Walter Scott’s work that in 1818 he gave him permission to search Edinburgh Castle for the Royal Scottish regalia. The searchers eventually found them in the little strong room at Edinburgh Castle locked in an oak chest, covered with linen cloths, exactly as they had been left in 1707. I was happy to see I'm not the only one who hides things and can't find them again!
We even got to visit the birthplace of King James VI, the son of Mary Queen of Scots.

The Scottish National War Memorial was breathtaking.
One in five Scots who enlisted during the First World War never came home. This fitting memorial to those who died in both world wars and in conflicts since 1945 was made by some of Scotland’s finest artists and craftspeople.
Sculpture and stained glass depict moving scenes from WWI. Other works symbolize courage, peace, justice and survival of the spirit. Animal figures portray the virtues and vices. Also within are numerous hardbound ledgers listing the deceased hero from each of the military branches and from every conflict. To see the large tomes was as powerful as the building itself. WOW.

I was incredibly impressed by this exquisite replica of the embroidery created by Mary Queen of Scots during her 19 year exile in England. There are 37 needlework pictures, each one with a story to tell. I wish I knew the measurements because it is huge, covering a great deal of the wall.

The original embroideries were sewn after Mary's enemies forced her to abdicate her throne and flee Scotland. Even as she worked on the pictures, her supporters were besieged in Edinburgh Castle in the Lang Siege. Their surrender marked the effective end of Mary's hopes of regaining the Scottish crown.
By the way, in this panel, the disembodied hand reaches down from the heavens to prune an unfruitful branch of a vine. The Latin text reads virescit vulnere virtus – virtue flourishes from its Centerpiece wounds’. Mary sent the original embroidery to the Duke of Norfolk, with whom she was considering marriage. It was subsequently used as evidence against the duke in his treason trial, its design interpreted as meaning the childless Elizabeth had to be replaced by the fruitful Mary as Queen of England. Norfolk was executed in 1572.

The replica was made by the School of Ancient Crafts, 33 volunteers who spent more than 7,300 hours working on the project between 2014-17, using only authentic materials, tools and techniques. And in case you don't know what happened with Mary, her cousin, the English Queen Elizabeth, ordered her execution in 1587.
We were supposed to tour the castle on July 3rd, but the King began his official stay in Scotland by receiving the keys to the city of Edinburgh - which is celebrating its 900th anniversary. It turns out it this key he received.
A gold tag is engraved documenting each monarch's visit. There was great proof of Queen Elizabeth's love of Edinburgh.

Not everyone who came to the castle enjoyed their stay. Even royals were sometimes known to complain about the draughts. But life was truly grim for many of the prisoners who were locked up in the vaults below Crown Square. As a formidable stronghold, the castle was the most secure lock-up in Scotland. Between 1757 and 1814 the vaults became home to many hundreds of prisoners of war.

Like the prisons we've visited prior on this trip, there was graffiti. This one depicts the hanging of Lord Nord. He was the British Prime Minister (1770-1782). It was his government's crippling taxes on the American colonies that led in 1773 to the Boston Tea Party and in 1776, to the Declaration of Independence. Timely since we were here on July 4th.

When we read about the rations served to prisoners, we thought them very generous, until we read down the list to what the Americans were given. "Each prisoner received a daily ration of 2 pints of beer, 1 1/2 pounds of bread, 3/4 pound of beef, 1/2 pint  of pease (pudding) every other day, 1/4 pound of butter and 6 ounces of cheese, instead of beef on Saturdays. Because the Americans were officially regarded as pirates, they received only 1 pound of bread a day.

Our afternoon tea rations were exponentially better than those of our countrymen who came before us.
There is so much to see, do, and experience in Edinburgh. This town is much like our tea treats... little bits of yum which all add up to a delightful fullness you thought impossible on first glance. I'll need to return.

"It seemed as if the rock and castle
assumed a new aspect every time I looked at them...
I don’t wonder that anyone residing in Edinburgh
should write poetically.”
-Washington Irving

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