All The Glitters: Disney's Jewels

From Long John Silver in Treasure Island (1950) to Estella von Hellman in Cruella (2021), The Walt Disney Company has brought to life some of the most memorable and unique characters in entertainment history. With over 300 original live-action films produced since 1950, allowing for each of the thousands of characters to remain an individual can be a challenge. The talented filmmakers and artisans tasked with this responsibility have been able to do just that, individualizing each character so that it may live within the story and embark on its journey through the audience's imagination.

Over the years, the Archives has aimed to collect and preserve important pieces of jewelry and accessories from as many of the company's iconic productions as possible. Through this exhibit, All That Glitters: The Crown Jewels of the Walt Disney Archives, we had the opportunity to see some of our favorite pieces from the history of The Walt Disney Company. What a total blast!
Cindy and I are cinephiles and Disney fans. When you combine the two, we were so ready for this exhibit. What a perfect opportunity for us to connect over things which we love. It was extra special because we were the only museumgoers at the time. It was as if we had reserved the entire museum for ourselves.
When first introduced to a character, we often overlook the earring worn by the pirate, or the wedding band on the finger of the film's lead, and what often goes unnoticed is precisely what matters most. The intricate work of selecting these minute adornments creates a seamless character in the viewer's mind, perhaps even subconsciously. While we usually see a character within the bigger picture, there are often incredible details to be enjoyed when we take a closer look.

We especially loved the costuming shown with the character from the film Aladdin. We were this close to Will Smith!

It was incredible to see items which were created, up close. How forward thinking was Disney with Dick Tracy's 1990 radio watch?

Not all costume jewelry and accessories are unique and created for the screen. Don't be fooled, an incredible amount of time and thought goes into scouring the real world for the perfect piece to complete a character's look. This is particularly true when it comes to the selection of time pieces. I loved this display, a look at classic pocket watches, extravagant Rolexes, and futuristic pre-smartwatch multifunction wristwear.
Julia Roberts worn this watch in Pretty Woman (pre-makeover).
Tom Hanks had two watches showcased. This pocket watch from Cast Away (2000)
and this handsome wristwatch from Saving Mr. Banks (2013) when he portrayed Walt.
Nothing accentuates nobility like a properly worn crown or tiara. When we imagine royal characters (and in some cases... not so royal) from classic Disney films, we often picture them in one of these iconic pieces of headwear. Crafted with care and thought, these accessories have been designed and assembled with the designated character's regality in mind. Whether constructed of metal and gemstones or fitting into a film's budget with the use of plastics and imitation pearls, these pieces have enhanced some of the most memorable moments on film. The one above was worn by Mr. Hanks in Cast Away. Not your fanciest crown but it is such a fabulous movie, I had to include it.
The most fantastical stories don't always come from completely fictional origins, in fact, some come from the retelling of true stories. When recreating real-life people or events, costume designers work much like an archivíst or researcher does, studying fine details of historical characters to replicate their fashion or style with precise accuracy. This crown, and the outfit below, were worn by Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury in the very well-done film, Bohemian Rhapsody (2018).

Another favorite love story is A Walk in the Clouds (1995). This is the wedding ring (a cigar band) that soldier Paul gives to pregnant Victoria in order for her to escape the wrath of her father. If you haven't seen it, put it in your queue.
Speaking of rings, Johnny Depp's jewelry, from The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise could fill its own museum. 
There is so much more from this exhibit than I shared here. Treasures from movies such as Alice in Wonderland (2010), Cinderella (2015), Titanic (1997), True Lies (1994), and so many more. I end with the beauty of Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement.
Everyone loves a happy ending! This exhibit sure gave us that.
The Bowers Museum is a Crown Jewel in the heart of Santa Ana.

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