Bocce at Juilliard Park in Santa Rosa...
Our son and his wife have gotten into playing the Italian Classic- Bocce. So today we headed to the very cool Juilliard Park, one of Santa Rosa's oldest. The park site was once home to the Juilliard Family. A two-story Victorian house stood near the center of the park, and the rest was orchard. The home was built in 1872, by Charles F. Juilliard, a winemaker.
Gaming and a picnic... what an idyllic Sunday in Santa Rosa. Fantastico!
Side note: JUST HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE BOCCE? Most people say bah-chee. While it's the Americanized pronunciation and commonly used, it is incorrect. Bah-chee, in Italian, is spelled baci, which means kisses. The correct pronunciation is more like bow-chay. If an Italian hears you saying bocce balls, and you're pronouncing it bah-chee, that Italian might think you're saying something else altogether. So be careful when you say bocce. Bow-chay will keep you closer to the authentic pronunciation!
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