Pre-party for Brenton's #26

Dec 30

Walks along the shores of Spring Lake, errands at home, shopping for after Christmas deals and a barbecue for Brenton's #26.  Way fun family time.

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Shopping, Pizza & a movie...Perfect!

Dec 29

After a lazy family morning, we all headed to Downtown for thrift store shopping followed by lunch at one of our favorite spots- Russian River Brewing Company.  After a very leisurely meal, we went to see The Hobbit in 3-D.

Neither Christy or Monica had seen a movie filmed this way [HFR 3D -- that is, the 48 frames per second or any 3D version, for that matter] and while the experience was unique and fun, the movie was just "okay" to all of us.  We enjoyed being out and about together so we were all content at the end of our day!

Bilbo Baggins: I am surrounded by dwarves! What are they doing here?
Gandalf:  Oh, they're quite a merry gathering.

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'Santa Rosa Gothic' by Monica

Dec 28

As the most unique gift- ever, Monica took Grant Wood's famous 1930 painting American Gothic...

[One of the most familiar images in 20th-century American art.]
...Using this photo of Brenton and Christy's new home...
...With creative consulting from Kegan and only two days while in Tahoe...
...To create this amazing masterpiece, worthy of any art gallery.  We are truly awestruck with her talentThis is certainly a Christmas present worth waiting for!  Well done Monica!

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Belated Christmas Fun...

Dec 28

We arranged to rendezvous in Santa Rosa to celebrate the holidays with the boys and their gals.  The wait was so worth it.

After present opening and dinner, we spent hours laughing and playing Cards Against Humanity, much like Apples to Apples reviewed as "not for the faint of heart, nor the easily offended".  Which means we loved it.
Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends.
The game is simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their funniest White Card.

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Our Incredible Snowshoeing Adventure...

Dec 27

Our friends, Bob and Jenny, are experienced snowshoers, and the perfect companions for our first foray into the powdery unknownHiking lakeside and through the historic Tallac site was dream-like.  We experienced such wonders:  deep, fresh, fluffy snow; stunning sun-drenched scenery; bald eagle spotting; snow angel making; and great company!  It really can't get much better than this.

At the end of our wintery excursion, we dined at The Beacon while watching the sun set and the full moon rise over the Lake... truly enchanting.  Dinner was delicious and special, since we were celebrating Jenny's birthday, as well.  AND we live here.  Pinch me moments abound.

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Happy Anniversary B & C...

Dec 27

Three years ago, today, we welcomed Christy into our family.  It is a day we gleefully celebrate each and every year.

"One man by himself is nothing.
 Two people who belong together make a world."

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Cheer at Catherine's...

Dec 26

There is such a strong welcoming spirit here and when Catherine invited us over for Holiday Cheer, we knew it would be memorable.  Her cabin, built by her grandfather, in 1918, is warm and cozy.  And Catherine has a flair for hostessing!
"Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients
of a truly merry Christmas."
~Peg Bracken

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Our Wonderful White Christmas...

Dec 25

What an incredible day.  It began with brunch at our house with Bob and Jenny.  We then all openly wept at the emotional yet fabulous, Les Misérables.  Wow.  What a poignant film to see on Christmas Day.

Examining the nature of law and grace, the story elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, anti-monarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love.

As we left the theater, the snow began to fall.  We watched ice skaters, igloo builders and merry makers.  The day ended at home with hot chocolate followed by Skyping with the kids.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a great night!

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Dan and Heidi share our Eve...

Dec 24

We returned from the party, with festivities not done;
as our neighbors arrive for some pre-Christmas fun.

They came for some wine and to share so much more;
We listened and laughed with our friends from next door.

While we are distanced from family at this time of year;
We have found some wonderful friends who bring us cheer.

I have said it before and I will say it again,
We are so fortunate for each and every dear friend.

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Christmas Eve Day...

Dec 24

We started with a stroll by the Lake.  The blue sky, illuminated by a brilliant sun gave visual confirmation of the common saying here, "If you don't like the weather in Tahoe, wait a day".  AND boy what a gorgeous day.

We delighted in spending the morning at Clay and Carolyn's charming home for the most scrumptious brunch and interesting company.

What an idyllic way to spend Christmas Eve day, if family isn't near.  It was great holiday cheer.

My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern,
is very simple: loving others...

-Bob Hope

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Evening with Bill, Kristi & Jannie

Dec 23

We braved a snowstorm to spend a delightful evening in the company of friends.  A delicious dinner, mulled wine, competitive bingo playing and many laughs made a wonderful holiday memoryTahoe is truly magical.

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Winter is here!

Dec 22

From the warmth of our cabin, we have watched a continuous snowfall that can only be described as silently spectacular.

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Christmas photos worth sharing...

Dec 21

While every holiday photo we have received is special to us and very appreciated, these two made us laugh.  I hope you enjoy the cleverness and uniqueness of each, and that a smile was found on your face, after viewing.

We whisk you a very, merry Christmas.

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Winter is arriving...

Dec 21

We had to get out in it today, since a big storm is coming.

Snow 28 °F

Snow (2-4 feet at lake level, and we're at lake level)
100% chance of precipitation

Should be pretty fun here.  We're stocked up.  Chains are on the truck.  We hope Fall goes out with a white, wonderful flourish!

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