"Soup You Can Suck On"?

Most people know the online game Wordle. I've been playing almost since it was first launched in 2021. Most do not know about Phoodle... the Wordle for food lovers.

Phoodle is a daily online word game modeled after Wordle (like so many other spinoffs) but focused entirely on food. Cookbook author Julie Loria, the brains behind the game, announced its launch on her Instagram just one year after Wordle's arrival but it wasn't until much later that I was introduced to it by my 'foodie' friend, Erin.

Sometimes the Phoodle solutions are words that totally intrigue. Today was one such word, DROPS. Once the puzzle is solved, a FACT about the word appears. This one just had to be shared. "Progresso's Soup Drops are chicken noodle-flavored hard candies that capture the essence of their classic Chicken Noodle Soup, resembling cough drops and arriving just in time for cold and flu season, offering a spoon-free way to enjoy soup or, as the brand calls it, 'soup you can suck on'."
According to MC Comings, VP, Business Unit Director, General Mills, "For decades, Progresso Soup has brought you cozy comfort on chilly days or when you’re under the weather. When you’re sick, nothing is truly more reassuring than Chicken Noodle Soup. So, we thought, why stop at the soup bowl? We took the beloved flavors of our Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup and packed them into a fun, savory candy Soup Drop for a totally new way to enjoy the taste you love whenever and wherever you want."
"While this new savory hard candy may be a first for the brand, it will have soup fans feeling like they just slurped a spoonful of Progresso’s iconic Chicken Noodle Soup that they know and love. That favorite flavor is packed into each drop — it’s like broth, savory veggies, chicken, soft egg noodles and a hint of parsley have all been stirred up in a surprising way that’s sure to wow your taste buds. And the best part is you can enjoy Soup Drops anywhere — in the carpool line, during a grocery run, while folding laundry, sitting at the doctor's office or hiding out under the covers. The coziness you crave is just one Drop away!"
As it turns out, January is National Soup Month. Thanks to Phoodle, I now have another 'holiday' to celebrate! It seems like these DROPS are a hit. Fun stuff!

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Erin Marlowe said...

What a fun blog post!!!!!

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