The Viaje to Sevilla...

After picking up our rental van at the Granada train station, we said hasta luego and traveled on to our final destination with the kiddos- Seville.

With only 131 miles to travel, and all day to get there, we were ready to discover something new.
We found the perfect spot to stretch our legs at the Necrópolis Romana.
This Osuna treasure could have one of the best National Museums of Ceramics and Roman glasses, but due to the continuous sackings in these caves, this was not possible.
"Some caves are divided in different sections with vaulted ceilings, drilled in the stone and showing bird paintings on the walls. Researches doubt if these are pagan frescos or one of the first examples of paintings making reference to Christianity. However, most of the researchers agree that the caves are from the Paleo Christian age. A great number of tombs can be found in the ground."
"Nowadays, it is possible to visit the more recent series of tombs, from the Visigoth age. From 1784, when it was first drilled, the space remained abandoned until the last part of the 20th century, when some activities were carried out to highlight its value. Throughout the enclave there are numerous tombs excavated in the rock, vestiges of what must have been an extensive mortuary city. Despite having always been known by the residents of Osuna, at the beginning of the 20th century they were subjected to an excavation that brought to light the burials of what was the necropolis."

We even had the opportunity to walk El Camino de Santiago on the Camino de Antequera. After two weeks of being in 'big' cities, it was wonderful to be in the countryside.
We even explored an old quarry. We wondered what architectural structures became of the stones from here.

This is the door to our most amazing new home. We thought our Granada apartment was impressive, this one, housed in an ancient villa, is really exceptional. For more about our accommodations click here.
Once, after an extensive, 18-country tour of Europe, someone asked us, "But did you see Seville?" We had not. Now, after just one afternoon, we understand the inquiry and the passion behind it. We are here for eight full days. I'm certain we will only scratch the surface! But we will forever be able to say, "Yes, we have been to Seville."

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