My Wonderful Wednesday...
Today was my long awaited recheck with my orthopedist. I had so many questions and some concerns.
After ogling my x-ray, Dr. Schultzel said my healing was progressing and that it was time to start putting weight on my fractured foot... so scary but so liberating, too. He advised me to continue with my summer plans while listening closely to my break as I'm off exploring. Woohoo.While out to lunch with my Mother-in-law, I discovered a hidden Mickey. It's always a good day when that happens. For me, it's like finding a four-leaf clover!
The highlight was being able to donate blood. I have tried often and I miss the cutoff with my hematocrit levels every time. Since breaking my foot, I've been really focusing on what I eat and I'm devoted to taking my vitamins. What a wonderful side benefit to my fracture.
I received this message from the San Diego Blood Bank (ironically after I had just donated), "With the dangerous three day weekend coming up, we are reminded of the constant need for donations. With less than a one-day supply on our shelves of your type O blood, we are asking you to please schedule your appointment to donate at one of our donor centers or mobile drives. Every two seconds in America, someone needs blood and only 5% of the population takes the time to donate."
This mobile drive just happened to be at the Carlsbad Library, our destination for the afternoon. Oh boy, how the stars aligned. I am one happy gal!
"Don't wait for the stars to align. Reach up, rearrange them the way you want them to be. Create your own constellation." -Pharrell Williams
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