Breaking Glass Boundaries

Our visits to art galleries/museums tend to come in clusters. The first was to the William D. Cannon Art Gallery at the Dove Street Library in Carlsbad.

The newest exhibit, Breaking Glass Boundaries, showcases new adventures in the Art of Glass. "Cups, windows and bottles are the familiar presence of glass in our lives. Yet, glass is so much more. Curated by Barrio Glassworks owner Mary Devlin, Breaking Glass Boundaries captures the magic of glassblowing and sculpture, offering a fusion where complex material is reimagined as swimming sea creatures, teardrops and even dramatic sentries. Experience this vivid expression of versatility, creativity, intricacy and the beauty of glass in many new and unexpected forms."
We were greeted by a wall of 'flowing seaweed' by Taryn Jayne Bertolino.
One of my favorite works was by Dan McStocker. I wanted to pet his Sea Turtles.

A piece that demanded a more thorough study was Greed Talisman by Einar and Jamex de la Torre.
So interesting!
Each piece is so unique. David Walters' Jack in the Beanstalk demanded a thorough ogling, too.

Kazuki Takizawa crafted amazing Guardians.
Rain Bottle Collection, by Logan Nash Groupé, was a cluster of spectacular beauty.

These Teardrops by Drew Raskin are hard to fully describe how interesting they are. Wow.
These pieces, by Tom Marosz, made us both ponder, "How?" Wild.

I delighted in the whimsy of Will Horton Love Me Now? 
Rina Fehrensen does faces really well. So fun.
What about this wall of Teapots by Paul Counts?! Such talent.

Maximillian Kropczynski's Marble Collection surprised. Below is the inside of this Marble. Another "How?"

This has to be the coolest chess set.

Jennifer Caldwell and Jason Chakravarty joined their talents to create a series of portholes to the world of artistic glass. Wow.

It was incredible to see the fragileness and details of Nic McGuire's Feather Collective.

The Best Offense is a work by Kathleen Mitchell who is part of Allied Craftsmen. "Members pursue their inspiration through an innovative process and unconventional design using materials such as wood, clay, metal, glass, wire, fabric, gold, and silver. The group defines its acceptable mediums for membership as: any serious craft." I'm intrigued.
Nic McGuire continued to impress. His Butterflies was the largest of the installations and was accompanied by a very informative video. Such beauty.

"The glass is alive when it is hot, it has a mind of its own and a memory. It has a mysteriousness about it that captures our curiosity. Hard like a rock, yet as transparent as the air we look through. The molten glass has exotic properties compared to other materials you come into contact with on a day-to-day basis. It glows with a brilliance of color and emits an enormous amount of heat that challenge a sculptor to find a way to control these extreme properties in order to achieve a finished piece of art."
This art gallery continues to surprise and delight and all for free! What a treasure. We definitely "experienced this vivid expression of versatility, creativity, intricacy and the beauty of glass in many new and unexpected forms." Wow.

“Glassblowing is an animal unto itself. It requires skill,
knowledge, physical strength and respect.”
-William Morris

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