Our 70°+ day was spent at the San Diego Zoo. Unbeknownst to me, it was Spring Break, which meant it was more crowded than I have seen in years.
Also unbeknownst to me, Steve's annual membership is not honored during certain blackout dates (i.e. Spring Break) which my birthday happened to be one of. As we were pondering our expensive options, another guest heard what was happening and used her pass to get Steve in! I got teary. My faith in humanity's restoration began there, even before entering the Zoo. The restoration was completed, by the end of the day, after dozens of people saw my It's My Birthday sash and wished me a "Happy Birthday" all day long. I was delighted. What fun!The true highlight, however, was the fact that our SoCal granddaughters joined us in all the zoological joy! Their enthusiasm for everything we saw and did was a gift. Since I don't share them on the blog, you'll just have to imagine how adorable they were delighting in all there was to experience!I was intrigued to see this plaque. I don't know why I was surprised. Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration (WPA), created by Executive Order to fund state and local public works projects, hired the unemployed directly. The WPA became the largest of all public works programs. Many parts of the Zoo exist because of this incredible program. Wow.At 2 PM we found ourselves at the Wegeforth Bowl for Wildlife Wonders.Here wildlife care specialists introduced us to "wildlife ambassadors representing San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s conservation work around the world." We were able to "Learn about amazing wildlife—from the Amazon to right here in our own backyard in San Diego—and find out what everyone can do to help conserve wildlife and the world we all share. Presentation runs 15 to 20 minutes."It was pretty darn cute and the girls seemed to really enjoy it.Dinner was at Old Town Mexican Café in Old Town San Diego. It's rather poignant that we spent my birthday at the Birthplace of California as it's also the Birthplace of Me. It was a perfect day! I'm a happy birthday girl.
"Keep calm and be crazy,
Laugh, love and live it up
Because this is the oldest you've been
And the youngest you'll ever be again!"
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