Animal Ark Adventure...
Travelzoo offered discounted tickets to Animal Ark. We were excited to explore this wildlife sanctuary and education center outside of Reno.
First stop was to meet Kahn, a white Bengal Tiger. Like all of the residents, we could have watch this gentle creature for hours.
At 10:30, the Black Bear, L.G. (Eli) was given snacks, hidden around his enclosure. It was a treat to watch him discover.
Trixie, the American Badger, had the sweetest face and disposition.
The personalities of these bobcats were our favorites. Piper would not let Whiston rest. So sweet.
Milo, the mountain lion, seemed unfazed by us.
Yet the cheetahs, Moyo and James took an interest.
I have a thing for red-tailed hawks, and Zechariah so wanted to fly, poor hurt little guy.
C.J. the Canadian Lynx basked in the warmth.
I think Lisa, the Red Fox, had such a look of contentment. We felt the same way as we wandered through the 38 acres. Animal Ark’s philosophy is that each animal taken in is provided a home for life. It is their belief that wild animals belong in the wild and for those animals that are not capable of surviving in the wild on their own, they have the power to represent their wild cousins and educate people about the importance of environmental stewardship. We really loved this place. There was an intimacy with the animals that bigger parks just don't offer. It is now on our 'must see' list.
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