My Parents' Would-Be 80th Anniversary
This year would not only mark my Mom and Dad's 100th birthdays, it would also be their 80th wedding anniversary.
On the actual day the 20-year-olds married, FDR was being inaugurated for the fourth and final time. It was a Saturday and I don't know if the timing of our 32nd President's event had anything to do with their special day but it definitely helps one remember the date... January 20, 1945.This year also marks the 40th anniversary of me losing my Dad, followed by my Mom one year later. But since I much rather celebrate the day someone enters the world vs leaves it, Happy Almost 100th Dad (February 15)! You are both still thought of so very often and missed truly.
Thomas Campbell said it best, "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
I really enjoyed reading your remembrance of your parents. Although I am considerably older than you are, my parents were also married close to that time – in their case, August, 1943. Their anniversary is one of the times I enjoy remembering them and the wonderful times we had together. Thank you for sharing!
Kay Henderson
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